Monday, July 1, 2013

Digging in Deeper

I've decided to re-enter the blogging world again.

This time on my own terms and my own way. 

Yes, I'm still attempting to lose weight. I'm at about 215 right now. But it is coming off. Slowly. But that's the way to do it right? (I type this as I'm munching on crunchy Cheetos at quarter after 9 on a Sunday night.)

It's been a rough first half of the year with my Italian. He was declining at a very fast rate until he had surgery to fix a catheter that delivers a muscle relaxer to his spine. The medication has been re-regulated and he's doing a lot better. In fact he's doing laps around the main part of the house. Today he did 2! 

He's also started lifting weights. His chest press is up to 15lbs as is his seated row. That may not sound like a lot, but for a guy who doesn't have a lot of use of his right side and has been essentially wheelchair bound (electric) for the past 3 1/2 years, and hasn't lifted weights since before his second accident . . . it's pretty good. He's adding weight pretty quickly, but at 15 lbs he's definitely working. 

In terms of my work-outs, I've joined my Italian at the fitness center/pool he does his weight training and pool exercises. I've joined a water aerobics class, of which I'm easily the youngest of (but it's an older demographic at that center all the way round), twice a week. Honestly, I love it. I have more fun there than I did at any of the classes I took at the other gyms I belonged to. But they're no slouches! I do manage to get in a few laps after class just to try to push myself a little harder. I can do about 5 or 6 full (up and back) laps after class before I'm done. I'm getting there. Swimming is hard work! I'm still working on finding my rhythm. Once I do that I'm sure the process of building my endurance will come easier.

I'm also doing weight work. My goal is to be able to go lift 200 lbs in any way shape or form. 


Because when my Italian is on the floor his 150 lbs feels like 200+ sometimes. Especially when he's not in a position to help me. So the stronger I am, the better off he'll be. 

So if all of this has stayed the same, why am I starting a new and different blog? Well with UnearthingEm I felt like I was figuring out who this new person is. This person fighting Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism. Since then (despite my lack of blogging there) I've grown into this new me. My new normal and am digging deeper now. Attempting to get to the base of what makes me, me. 


 My hope is that through this blog I can express all of those things. Maybe they'll even leek into real life!

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